The formative years for children include so many new concepts and things to learn.

Children develop a huge range of skills including problem solving, experimentation, learning to adapt to different environments to mention just a few.

One of the many challenges that children face is that of time.

What is time? What does time mean to a child?
How do they learn about time?

If we ask a young child to “Wait for 5 minutes”, how do they know or relate to the concept of ‘5 minutes’?

“We can do that tomorrow” you may say, but for a child, what is tomorrow?

The whole concept of time and learning about time is totally new to children and any assistance, teaching or guidance we can give them is of great benefit.

In addition to the concept of time, these days, most timepieces show time in a digital format. Analogue time telling is not often a concept nor lessons taught to many children.

To help overcome these challenges, Owlconic has designed and produced a kid’s clock, which focuses on teaching them how to tell the time using an analogue clock.

Kids clock

This extremely popular patented kids clock offers the following features:

  • Designed to help kids tell time.
  • Easy for kids to read and understand.
  • Original patented learning time clock.
  • Silent clock movement.
  • Strong safe clear acrylic face.
  • Safe secure battery & movement compartment.
  • Highly recommended by teachers.
  • Great gift idea.

This kids clock by Owlconic is a life saver for parents, grandparents and schools who want to teach children how to tell the time.

The unique design makes what can be a difficult concept to grasp, a much easier process to understand.

Make learning the time a fun and rewarding activity for the kids in your life by investing in a kids clock by Owlconic.

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